Pre-Assessment for Differentiation

Pre-Assessments Pre-Assessments for writing are more often than not writing samples, and I follow that trend. It's near impossible to gauge how well a student can write from a multiple choice or fill-in the blank type of test. Pulling your thoughts from your mind and transferring them to paper are complex tasks that need to be judged with authenticity--hence the writing sample. The Prompt and Evaluation Prior to beginning a narrative fiction unit, I would give my sixth grade students a prompt similar to this. I often use a combination of word and picture prompts. I feel that these are more than likely to capture the imagination of the greatest number of students. Once the students have completed the assessment, I review them based on grade level exemplars. I have a few resources such as and that I use. The exemplars look like this: Groupings Using the exemplars, I am able to sc...